New Koresh ballet explores primal love


By Ellen Dunkel, For The Inquirer

Do people ever really change? Observers from psychologists to advice columnists have weighed in on that question. Now, let’s hear from a choreographer.

“In 3,000 years, nothing has changed,” asserts Ronen “Roni” Koresh, who, as director of his eponymous dance company, turns social commentary into movement.

“Go to a club at 2 a.m. People are primal. They will take off their clothes – they would be naked if they could.”

Yet modern society frowns on that sort of thing, “so you wear a nice suit, deodorant, makeup,” he says, over coffee at La Colombe, where he pauses to wave to someone every few minutes. “But we have the same issues as 3,000 years ago.”

Koresh “investigates the primordial glue that sticks people together” in ev-o-lu-tion, his new ballet for Koresh Dance Company. It premieres tonight at the Suzanne Roberts Theatre, along with Pieces of 9, by Netherlands-based choreographer Paul Selwyn Norton.


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